Sunday 5 September 2010

British Mummy Blogger of the Week

Evening all...

Every Sunday when I sit down to write this post (oh, all right, most Sundays, when I'm not swept up in back to school fever like I was last week, for example), I take a look through my secret-oh-so-secret notes to see which of the new blogs I've checked out recently I would like to nominate as this week's reading. And then, just to check I haven't missed anyone new, I visit the British Mummy Blogger's Ning member's section and take a look through that and visit a few more.

Normally that takes a while. (Suffice it to say it's a good thing I only have access to Russian tv as I have no distractions to lure me away from the task in-hand. Well, it's either that or watching my way through the last series of '24' again and since I didn't stay awake the first time I watched it, well, thank god for blogging is all I can say...)

However, this evening on my visit to the BMB member's page I hit paydirt with only the second blog I visited...

We're at that stage in Boy #1's education where reading is moving from being a chore to him to something he loves. I'm a bookworm myself so it's a delight to me to see him with his head buried in a book, even if it is about Ben 10 or PowerRangers rather than something more edifying (he is only 6, after all). So any hints on finding new books for him to read - or for me to read to him - are gratefully received, which is why when I read this blog I was immediately interested.

Natasha Worswick writes that her blog is:

'...about lots of things really, but it tends to focus on children’s books (the ones I’ve enjoyed or not), the publishing industry, children’s marketing and tracking my son Milo’s reading habits.'

I liked her post about hospital books, and ideas of titles you can use to entertain children on long journeys. And as for the link to the Q&A page of Andrew Stanton's site - brilliant. I will definitely be adding his books to the Boys' collection.

For the British Mummy Blogger's Ning click here. (Note: it says 'Mummy', but Dads can be members too).


  1. Oh, and the font on the text at the end of the post is messed up. Marvellous...

  2. Books for the boy beginning reader - a real gap in the market in the UK, but there are some series in the US which really fit the bill (and might be available in Moscow).

    The Magic Tree House series (two children are magically transported to different places and times, for adventure). If he's into Power Rangers, start with "Night of the Ninjas" - that should fit the bill.

    The Boxcar Children series (bit like Enid Blyton, Famous Five type idea). Possibly a little old for 6.

    The Indian in the Cupboard - and others in the series, by Lynne Reid Banks (this is English, actually, not US). Though be prepared for a habit of speaking in Indian-English ("me not go to bed now, me not tired") which may last literally years.

    But it's The Magic Tree House ones that I think really plug the gap between story books and chapter books. They're really good. Strongly recommend.

  3. My children are grown up, so are my grandchildren but I am "involved" with my great grandchildren and love to read you blog. I will be in Moscow next spring when I go on my "big trip" overland from London to New York. I'm going on the Trans Siberian Express and then the Trans Mongolian Express. Maybe we could arrange to meet up for a coffee and you could give me the lowdown on the train?

  4. Thanks so much for the link to my blog and your kind words. I am working through all the blogs on the BMB site and just loving reading everyone's experiences.

  5. Iota - thanks so much for those ideas! - and has your boy discovered Will Solvit yet? Boy #1 loves them (although admittedly, I have to read them to him...)

    R&C, that sounds like an incredible trip! I would love to meet up, drop me a line when you know your plans on pottymummy (at) gmail (dot) com, although unfortunately I can't give you the low down on the train as I've not yet been on it... (thought about it but decided Boy #2 was still too young, maybe next year). I HAVE been on the Moscow - St Petersburg overnight train, although that was over 15 years ago now...

    Tasha, it was a pleasure, and it was so great to find your site!

  6. LOVING these book suggestions. I have a 7 yr old boy and 6 yr old girl and our favourites at the mo are Secret Seven and Famous Five. I am totally aware of the gender issues concerned and so if I'm honest, I do change some of the text so that the girls get to go on the real adventures as Mila my daughter gets quite cross if they don't. But I do love them so much. There are SO many really poorly written stories out there, and I am just so glad to have other people who are looking for good ones! Thanks so much for the link to the website!


Go on - you know you want to...